Payapps Blog

The latest insights on construction industry                       payment practices and technology.

Discover how major companies are deploying innovative techniques to enhance their construction procedures and boost the output of their supply

44% of construction firms struggle with construction staff shortages, according to KPMG. And this figure doesn’t even account for the potential

Fewer than one in three construction projects come within 10% of budget. Consider these 7 reasons why yours might be

Over-reliance on spreadsheets and paper could be slowing down your construction procedures and eating into your profit margins With all

‍Are late payments in construction really inevitable, or is there a solution out there that helps everyone win? ABBA got

Effective supply chain management is key to the success of a construction project. Strong supplier relationships guarantee the best skilled

Turbo-charging the payment claim process is not just great for subcontractor relationships, it tackles the scourge of payment disputes in

To many in the construction industry, late payment is a necessary evil. We almost take it for granted that some

Late payment, delayed payment, and payment practices, in general, have long been a barrier to growth for the UK Construction

Nothing’s ever moved quickly in the world of construction, but recently you get the feeling that with payment practices, we

Back In 2015, Construction News conducted a survey to understand the current state of payment in the construction industry, in which 35.8%

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